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Isi - Ithalat/Ihracat


Sulphonated asphalt is asphaltic hydrocarbon that has been treated by a close cap system in specific sulphonating process to be partially soluble dispersible or emulsion in water based drilling fluids to stabilize hole shale. A unique product “Sulphonated asphalt” is commonly used as an additive in drilling muds for oil and gas wells. In drilling operations, the mud serves several important functions, including lubricating the drill bit, carrying cuttings to the surface, and maintaining pressure in the well to prevent blowouts. It is a valuable addition to drilling muds due to its exceptional emulsifying and wetting properties. By preventing water from separating out, it stabilizes the mud, while also reducing fluid loss during drilling. This is crucial as fluid loss can cause formation damage, hinder drilling efficiency, and even lead to lost circulation events.

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natural view from ottoman


Amarsis is a decorative paint that adds depth and character to interior walls. It can be applied on walls, plaster, concrete, and wooden surfaces, following proper surface preparation with the appropriate primer. Product Features: - Provides gold and silver reflections. - Water-based, harmless to human health and the environment. - Application Instructions: Brush Application: - Gently stir Amarsis with a spatula without diluting. - Apply a single coat with a special brush. - After 25 minutes, smooth the surface with a stainless steel trowel. - Apply a second coat after 4-5 hours at 23°C, then use the trowel again one hour later to press the surface, creating light and dark shades. Trowel Application: - Apply one coat of Amarsis with a steel trowel. - After 4-5 hours, apply a second coat and use the trowel to create tonal variations after one hour. Drying Time: Touch dry in 4-5 hours, fully dry in 24-48 hours under standard conditions.

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It is produced with narrow weaving technique. Black and white colors are available. Other colors are available in production. It is produced in 0.5cm - 1cm - 1.5cm - 2cm - 2.5cm - 3cm - 3.5cm - 4cm - 4.5cm - 5cm - 5.5cm - 6cm - 7cm - 8cm - 9cm - 10cm dimensions. Dar dokuma tekniğinde üretilmektedir. Siyah ve beyaz renkler hazırda bulunur. Diğer renkler için üretim yapılır. 0.5cm - 1cm - 1.5cm - 2cm - 2.5cm - 3cm - 3.5cm - 4cm - 4.5cm - 5cm - 5.5cm - 6cm - 7cm - 8cm - 9cm - 10cm dokuma lastik üretimi yapılır.

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- Doravit Born is emergency life support for newborn animals. - The energy booster supplement is a special nutritional supplement developed to increase the viability of newborn calves, foals, lambs and kids. - It provides immediate energy, supports respiration and heart, helps the development of the immune system. - It improves physical condition, absorbency and resistance to diseases. - It contributes to the formation and development of intestinal flora. It reduces the morbidity and mortality rate. - Complementary Dietetic feed for newborn calves containing immunoglobulin, organic iron, organic selenium and other organic minerals. - It strengthens the immune system of the calves and enables them to hold on to life in a healthy and strong manner. - Anne karnından eksik aldıkları immunoglobulinleri bu ürünle giderir. - İhtiyacı olan tüm mineral, vitamin ve a. Asitleri yeterli miktarda alımı bu ürünle sağlanır.

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- It is effective in lamb, kid and calf diarrhea and prevention. - Regulates the fluid and electrolyte balance due to diarrhea. - Protects the intestinal mucosa from pathogenic bacteria. The intestines are damaged due to diarrhea. Due to the vitamins A, C, and K contained in the product, it also provides rapid healing of the destroyed intestines. - Increases the use of feed, thus provides live weight gain. - Diadurex forms chelate molecules with all toxic metabolites. With this feature, it ensures that toxic metabolites are removed from the system irreversibly with feces. - Possible inflammation causes loss of tissue absorption surface. Diadurex helps to protect the absorption in the intestinal mucosa with its antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory) feature.

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Hepsi bir arada dış ünite • 4.55’e kadar SCOP (Ortalama iklim / Düşük sıcaklık uygulaması): 3.20’ye kadar A+++ SCOP (Ortalama iklim / Orta sıcaklık uygulaması): A++ • 4,70’e kadar COP (Dış hava 7°C / Çıkış suyu 35°C) • -15°C’de %100 ısıtma kapasitesi DOS (@ ÇSS 35°C) • Yüksek kurulum yeri esnekliği sağlayan düşük ses seviyesi • Geniş çalışma aralığı (ortam : -25 ~ 35°C / su tarafı : 15 ~ 65°C) • Gerçek zamanlı su devresini izlemek için yerleşik su akışı ve basınç sensörleri • Düşük küresel ısınma potansiyeline (GWP) sahip R32 soğutucu akışkan • R1 kompresör • Gelişmiş ısı eşanjörü tasarımı (Yeni Siyah Kanat) • LG ThinQ • KEYMARK / EHPA (Almanya için) / MCS / EUROVENT sertifikası

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Bamboo fabric bonel spring or pocket spring

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cotton fabric bonel spring or pocket spring Please contact us for other products

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Cotton fabric bonel spring or pocket spring Please contact us for other products

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This mask is washable up to 15 times and made by 100% organic cotton

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