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Temizlik - Ithalat/Ihracat

TürkiyeIçel ve Akdeniz


Europages tarafından doğrulanmıştır

CforB Cosmetics'in Hemp Seed Soap'ı, kenevir tohumu özünün nemlendirici ve yenileyici özelliklerini barındırarak cildi derinlemesine temizler ve besler. Bu doğal sabun, zengin Omega 3 ve Omega 6 yağ asitleri içeriği ile cildin nem dengesini korur ve sağlıklı bir cilt bariyeri oluşturur. Ayrıca, anti-inflamatuar özellikleri sayesinde ciltteki kızarıklık ve tahrişleri azaltır, hassas ciltler için ideal bir seçimdir. Hemp Seed Soap, cildi doğal ve etkili bir şekilde temizlerken, içerdiği vitaminler sayesinde cilt sağlığını destekler. E vitamini açısından zengin olan bu sabun, cildin doğal koruma bariyerini güçlendirir ve çevresel faktörlere karşı cildi korur. Ayrıca, ciltteki yağ üretimini dengeleyerek, akne ve sivilce oluşumunu önlemeye yardımcı olur. Düzenli kullanımı ile cilt daha canlı, temiz ve sağlıklı bir görünüm kazanır. CforB Cosmetics, Hemp Seed Soap ile her günü taze ve yenilenmiş bir başlangıç yapmanızı sağlayacak,doğal ve etkili bir temizlik çözümü sunar.

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COMPOSITION: 5-15% Nonionic Surfactants, 5% Benzisothiazolinone. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: It is used in industrial type dishwashers with dosing pump. Thanks to the surfactants it contains, it reduces the surface tension on the materials and prevents water from holding on the surface. The product is more than 80% biodegradable in nature. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: The water temperature in the dishwasher should be 80-85 degrees. Dishes should never be dried with a cloth after they come out of the machine. If the water temperature is below 40 degrees, there may be some foam. Foam disappears at high temperature. Recommended usage amount is 1-2 g/litre. TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CONSUMER: Always read the instructions for use. Keep out of the reach of children. In case of ingestion or swallowing, consult your doctor. If possible, show the label sample to your doctor. Not for cleaning hands, face and foodstuffs. Harmful if swallowed. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Causes skin irritation.

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COMPOSITION: Sodium Alkyl Benzene Sulphonate 5-15%, Sodium Laureth Sulphate <5%. Coconut Fatty Diethanolamide <3%. PERFORMANCE: Dishwashing detergent for hand washing. Thanks to its high degreasing power and stable foam, it provides high quality cleaning even at low usage rates. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Add 1 teaspoon to 1 litre of dishwater. Rinse with plenty of water after washing. CONSUMER CAUTION: Keep away from children. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

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COMPOSITION: <5% Nonionic Active Substance, Phosphonate, Solvent. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: It is applied directly without dilution. Add sufficient amount of product on the dirty surface and then wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. Wait a few minutes before wiping to achieve a more effective result on difficult, very oily and stubborn dirt. For brighter results, wipe the surface once more with a dry cloth after the treatment. CHARACTERISTICS: Used on all surfaces except wood and aluminium. It is effective in the cleaning of oil layers and dirt concentrated on the hood, wall, floor in the kitchen. Effective in cleaning garage floors. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For normal dirt, 45-50 g/lt. 150-2000g/lt should be used for cleaning heavy dirt. Can be used for cleaning burnt oil (oven). ATTENTION TO THE CONSUMER: Be sure to read the instructions for use. Keep out of the reach of children. In case of drinking or swallowing, consult your doctor. If possible, show the label sample to your doctor.

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Professional Liquid Soap, besides providing hygiene on hands, it is compatible with the skin with pH: 5.5. Its rich foam contains a high amount of glycerin, provides extra softness to your skin and prevents drying and provides an effective cleaning. It is rinsed with plenty of water after the dirt is removed by foaming for 20-30 seconds by rubbing by hand. COMPOSITION: Sodium laureth sulfate, Sodium chloride, Cocomide DEA, Cocamidopropyl betaine, Coco glucoside, Glyceryl oleate, Peg7 glyceryl cocoate, Perfume, EDTA, Citric acid, Dye, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone. Folmaldehyde free. ATTENTION TO THE CONSUMER: Always read the instructions for use. Do not forget to close the cap. Rinse with plenty of water after washing your hands. Keep away from children. Do not use for cleaning foodstuffs. Do not store in the same place with foodstuffs. It is strictly forbidden to drink. In case of drinking, consult your doctor immediately.

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COMPOSITION: Sodium Alkyl Benzene Sulphonate 5-15%, Sodium Laureth Sulphate <5%. Coconut Fatty Diethanolamide <3%. PERFORMANCE: Dishwashing detergent for hand washing. Thanks to its high degreasing power and stable foam, it provides high quality cleaning even at low usage rates. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Add 1.5 teaspoon to 1 litre of dishwater. Rinse with plenty of water after washing. CONSUMER CAUTION: Keep away from children. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

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COMPOSITION: Sodium Hypochlorite > 30%, Active Chlorine > 5% Ph: 11,5 12,5 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Bleach for stain removal and hygiene in sanitary environments. The product has ISO-9001 quality certificates available. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: With its strong formula, it is poured into the bathroom, toilet bowl, sink holes and the surfaces are wiped and rinsed after waiting 4-5 minutes. Odours and stains in the environment are removed and hygiene is provided. To clean and hygiene the floor and large surfaces, 3 coffee cups 150 g. is added to 5 It. water and wiped. Kitchen cloths and sponges are pressed into the water with bleach and both cleaning and hygiene are provided. To whiten laundry, add 30-50 g. bleach to 5 It. water and wash. Do not pour directly on the laundry. Contains sodium hypochlorite. Do not use with salt spirit. Suitable for washing machine and hand washing. ATTENTION TO THE CONSUMER: Be sure to read the instructions for use. Keep out of the reach of children.

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Araba, kamyon, tır, iş makinası gibi araçların ve cihazların dış yüzeyinde oluşan toz çamur vb. katmanların fırça kullanmadan köpürtülerek temizlenmesi için kullanılmaktadır.

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Küçük ve orta boy işletmeler, okullar, sağlık kuruluşları, servis merkezleri, mağaza ve teşhir salonları, alışveriş merkezlerinin gibi taş, beton, granit mermer, epoksi gibi sert zeminlerin temizliği için tasarlanmış bataryalı zemin yıkama makinasıdır.

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Battaniye ve yorgan yıkama makinesi sadece battaniye ve yorganların yıkanmasında değil aynı zamanda küçük kilim, halı, paspas gibi malzemelerin yıkanmasında da kullanılabilmektedir.

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Fırçalı full makina her fırçanın ayrı motoru ve redüktörü var yerli motorlar orta fırça halazon arka yıkama gelberi ekstra halı taşıma arabası , halı ıslatma havuzu , 200 litre deterjan tankı , su pompası ve deterjan pompası makinamızın üzerinde mevcuttur.

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✓ Suyun üzerindeki her türlü Yağ ve Petrol türevlerini absorbe eder. ✓ Kirliliğinin meydana geldiği tüm sularda kullanılır. KULLANIM ALANLARI Biyorem AquaSorb; limanlar, rıhtımlar, marinalar, yakıt ikmal depoları, plajlar, kuş barınakları, resifler veya küçük ölçekli dökülmelerde – petrol türevleri ve yağ kirliliğinin meydana gelebileceği tüm sularda kullanılmaktadır. UYGULAMA YÖNTEMİ Biyorem AquaSorb, dökülmenin tamamen üzerini örtmek için dökülme yüzeyine yeterli miktarda ürün uygulanmasını önerir. Dökülen yüzeye yayılır. Su yüzeyindeki petrol türevleri ve yağ kalıntısını giderir. Emdiği ürün kepçe yardımı ile sıyırarak veya ağlar kullanılarak geri alınabilir. Biyorem AquaSorb, tek başına veya çorap, bom, yastık veya sintine faresi şeklinde kullanılabilir.

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