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Transmisyon yağları - Ithalat/Ihracat



AutomatIc TransmIssIon FluId Is superIor qualIty for use In all automotIve hydraulIc and automotIc transmIssIons. ATF Is developed for modern automatIc gearbox, produced wIth addItIve compensatIon of suppressIve foamIng and procured endurance agaInst corrosIon, rust and oxIdatIon In very well-re ned parra n base oIls. Its thermal stabIlIty Is hIgh-level and It can be used wIth power steerIng and hydraulIc unIts as well. Due to protectIng Its vIscosIty In low temperatures, procures power transmIssIon wIth great ef cIency. Procures Its vIscosIty In low temperatures. ProvIdes unIque protectIon agaInst corrosIon, rust and abrasIon WIth Its thermal stabIlIty, It works wIthout any problems In every temperature. Secures ef cIent power transmIssIon by Its effect of relayIng frIctIon and provIdes gear shIftIng free of problems. Works In harmony wIth all ImpervIousness components.

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Transmisyon yağları - Ithalat/Ihracat

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