Türkiye, Istanbul
...A commercial standard Paradox rootstock, (J.hindsii x J.regia). First clonal rootstock for walnut orchards. The Vlach has proven to be vigorous in orchard test plots throughout the state. It has shown good tolerance to many root infections that commonly plague traditional seedlings, including crown gall. ...
Türkiye, Nigde
...Origin: Early Red One and Erovan Hybrid. Tree: Its trees are among the standard varieties. Develops vigorously. It is similar to Red Chief in development. Since it is close to standard varieties, it is more compatible with M9 Rootstock in dense plantings. Fruit: Fruit is medium in size, fruit color is intense red. Fruit Flesh: Fruit flesh is hard, sweet and juicy. Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji Harvest: It is harvested on the same date as Golden Deliciou...
...Flow Line, ERP ve CRM yönetim yazılımlarının köklü ve tanınmış bir entegratörüdür. Şirket, ERP için Sage, NetSuite ve Rootstock ile, CRM için ise Salesforce ile sağlam ortaklıklar kurarak büyümeyi başarmıştır. Lyon merkezli olan şirketin Paris, Toulouse, Nantes, Caen ve İsviçre için Nyon'da ofisleri bulunmaktadır. Flow Line Entegrasyonu, farklı tipolojilere sahip 180'den fazla müşteriye sahiptir...

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